Arka Ray

My Picture: Courtesy of CSA 

Arka Ray
PhD Candidate
Department of Computer Science and Automation
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India

Hi! I am Arka Ray and I am a computer scientist. I am currently doing my PhD from Computer Science and Automation department of IISc, Bengaluru (CSA @ IISc), under Anand Louis. I also did my masters from IISc and did my B. Tech from University of Calcutta.

Research Interests: I am broadly interested in Theoretical Computer Science. These days I am trying to learn more about Boolean (valued) functions. I also want to continue exploring LP and SDP based algorithms, and hardness of approximation (especially “PCP-style” reductions). In fact, Arindam Khan and I worked on showing inapproximability results for various packing and covering problems as part of my MTech Project.

I am helping organize the Theory CS Winter School 2024.

Publications, Pre-Prints, etc.

I have served as a subreviewer for FSTTCS 24, APPROX 24, WAOA 23.

I have also TA-ed for a bunch of course (as follows).

Teaching Assistantship

You can also find me at Google Scholar, dblp, arXiv, CSA@IISc, twitter, LinkedIn.